Supplies needed:
Essential question: How are you going to create your composition? How will we know if they’ve learned it? Students will have a final masterpiece and the skills to create other works if necessary at a more advanced level. What will we do if they don’t learn it? Students will be re-taught and can utilized videos to re-work missing elements of their assignment. What will we do if they have / have already learned? Students can always go above and beyond the instructions to create a more challenging experience. My students understand and can… by the end of the lesson Students will understand the beginning of entering a competition working from observation and applying realism. Teks: 117.C Historical and cultural relevance. The student demonstrates an understanding of art history and culture by analyzing artistic styles, historical periods, and a variety of cultures. The student develops global awareness and respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures. The student is expected to: (A) compare and contrast historical and contemporary styles while identifying general themes and trends; (B) describe general characteristics in artwork from a variety of cultures, which might also include personal identity and heritage; (C) collaborate on community-based art projects; and (D) compare and contrast career and avocational opportunities in art. |
You are to find a photo either one that I have taken or you yourself have taken or a family member has taken. You can use a photo from a friend. You cannot use a photo from the internet even if it is a copyright free pic. You also cannot have logos on anything. The theme is western. So a pic of your family vacation to Utah will not be adequate. NO DECALS OR LOGOS ON ART!!! so no chevy truck symbol, levi logo on pants and so on Good photo references:
Here are some tips and techniques for creating different kinds of textures in prismacolor. |
Please go to the following link to preview the rules and regulations